Friday, August 14, 2009

My Cousin Melissa and Her Family

Lucky you--this is Jeramy again. I wanted to write this post since Melissa is my cousin.

Melissa and her family currently reside in California and when they came to visit for the summer, they were gracious enough to let us torture them for a family portrait session. The amazing thing about one of the locations that we shot at, was that it would not have been cool two days later. We found a field full of big milkweeds, and two days later a huge wind storm came through and the milkweed tops were all blown away--so good timing for us.

Well, I could tell you all about Melissa and us growing up together--let's see, there is the "Church Door" story---or the "No Bears are Out Tonight" story--but I will save Melissa some embarassment and tell you what a great cousin and person she is. We always got along well growing up, and now she has such a great family. How she is as a mother really reflects in her kids--these were three of the most polite cooperative kids. Her youngest boy has autism and their family is so good with him--they are all patient and kind. It was fun to wacth them interact.

We are excited to go to California this next week to see her and her family. Thanks Melissa, you guys were great!!









One of my favorite shots of the day--it was so cool to see them playing--big brother was always helpful to little brother. One of his favorite things to do was throw rocks into the water--so he helped him find lots of rocks to throw.

Another favorite shot--what a cute family!!



  1. Hurrah! You guys did such a great job!! Thank you so much - the pictures look fantastic!!!

  2. Oh, and we can't wait to see you on Monday either :)

  3. The pics are great! but Melissa is an amazing woman!
